Market Price
    7 de June de 2023

    Beef cattle price in Brazil fell almost 20% in May 2023 versus 2022

    Beef cattle price in Brazil accumulated a sharp drop in 2023 and in May the…
    Market Price
    1 de June de 2023

    Corn price in Brazil drops almost 40% in 2023, until May

    Corn price in Brazil accumulate the largest fall among agricultural commodities monitored by Farmnews. Between…
    24 de May de 2023

    Cattle slaughter in Brazil: data for the 1st quarter of 2023

    IBGE released the preliminary data for cattle slaughter in Brazil in the first 3 months…
    Market Price
    19 de May de 2023

    Corn price in Brazil drops more than 30% in partial May 2023

    Corn price in Brazil has fallen sharply in Brazil in 2023, pressured by record harvests.…
    11 de May de 2023

    Chinese importance in Brazilian beef exports in April 2023

    Farmnews has updated the data on the Chinese importance in Brazilian beef exports in April…
    9 de May de 2023

    Brazil’s soybean exports renew historic high in partial 2023, until April

    Brazil’s soybean exports in the first 4 months of 2023 were the highest for the…
    5 de May de 2023

    Brazilian beef for export, data from April 2023

    Farmnews updated the revenue, shipments and price data of Brazilian beef for export in April…
    2 de May de 2023

    Beef cattle slaughter in Brazil data, in 10 years, from 2013 to 2022

    Farmnews presents the official data for beef cattle slaughter in Brazil over the last 10…
    1 de May de 2023

    Beef exports from Brazil, 1st quarter data, from 2015 to 2023

    Farmews presents data on beef exports from Brazil in the first three months of the…
    27 de April de 2023

    Soybean closing stocks in Brazil: expectation for 2023

    The production of soybeans in Brazil should renew its historical maximum in the year 2023,…
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