
Top beef importers from Brazil, data of March 2023

Farmnews presents the purchase data of the main beef importing countries from Brazil in March 2023.

In March 2023 Brazil exported the equivalent of US$598.79 million in beef, 40.0% less than in March 2022, when sales totaled US$998.59 million.

Before presenting the data of Brazil’s main beef importers, Farmnews presented the data of Brazilian beef exports in the 1st quarter between the years 2015 and 2023. Click here and check it out!

The fact is that the importation of Brazilian beef by China fell almost 60.0%, in revenue, in March 2023 compared to the same period of the previous year, as can be seen by the data in the Table below.

Table below presents the beef import data from Brazil, per buying country, in millions of dollars, in the months of March 2022 and 2023, according to MDIC-SECEX.

China presented the biggest drop in purchases in March 2023 among Brazil’s beef importing countries, with a loss of 59.2% compared to the same period in 2022.

The fact is that China imported the equivalent of US$676.98 million in beef from Brazil in March 2022, while in the same period in 2023 the value fell 59.2%, to US$276.34 million. Chile also showed a strong drop in purchases in March 2023, with a loss of 50.4% compared to 2022, as did the United States, with a 29.0% drop in the period.

By the way, among the 5 biggest beef importing countries from Brazil, only Egypt and Saudi Arabia presented an increase in the purchases in March 2023 when compared to the same period in 2022.

With the drop in Chinese imports in March 2023, the Asian country’s participation in Brazilian revenues dropped to less than 50.0% (Figure), which happened for the first time since January 2022, still under the effect of the embargo on Brazilian beef due to the atypical case of mad cow disease in October 2021. In December 2021, beef sales to China totaled the equivalent of US$41.51 million.

The following figure illustrates the importance of Brazil’s beef importing countries in invoicing in March 2023, according to MDIC-SECEX.

Source: MDIC-SECEX (adapted by Farmnews)

In March 2023 the main beef importers from Brazil, in revenue, were China (46.1%), Chile (6.1%), Egypt (5.3%), the United States (5.0%) and Saudi Arabia (4.0%).

Stay with us and check out more data and information on Brazilian beef cattle business!

Ivan Formigoni

Animal Scientist, interested in providing useful information about the Brazilian beef cattle business

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