Market Price

Brazil’s soybean price drops sharply in 2023. Check monthly data until April

Soybeans price in Brazil accumulates a sharp drop in 2023 as a result of expected record production

The production of soybeans in Brazil should renew its historical maximum in the year 2023, with forecasts of over 150.0 million tons. Click here and check it out!

Figure below presents the monthly price of soybeans in Brazil (Cepea, Paranaguá-PR), in nominal values, Reais per kilo, between January 2020 and April 2023.

soybean price
Source: CEPEA (adapted by Farmnews)

As the Figure above illustrates, the price of soybeans in April 2023 reached the lowest nominal value since October 2020.

Farmnews also presents the March 2023 soybean export data for Brazil, showing an increase compared to the same period in 2022. Click here and check it out!

Stay with us and check out more data and information on Brazilian beef cattle business!

Ivan Formigoni

Animal Scientist, interested in providing useful information about the Brazilian beef cattle business


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