
Chinese importance in Brazilian beef exports in April 2023

Farmnews has updated the data on the Chinese importance in Brazilian beef exports in April 2023.

It is important to highlight that Brazil’s beef exports have shown a drop in 2023, with shipments in the accumulated period between January and April 2023 being 16.3% below that observed in the same period in 2022. Revenues fell 29.8% in 2023, on the same basis of comparison. The drop in April 2023 compared to the same period of the previous year was, however, stronger than in the accumulated between January and April, pressured mainly by the drop in the Chinese buying pace, as highlighted in the first Chart below.

Farmnews updated the revenue, shipments and price data of Brazilian beef for export in April 2023. Click here and check it out!

Chart below shows the Chinese share in Brazil’s beef export revenue between January 2020 and April 2023, according to MDIC-SECEX.

chinese importance in Brazilian beef
Source: MDIC-SECEX (adapted by Farmnews)

The Chinese importance in Brazilian beef exports in April 2023 fell for the fourth consecutive month, to below 40.0%.

The year 2023, at least until April, has been atypical, since the effects of the embargo on Brazilian beef to China pressured sales in these first months of the year (second Chart)

In 2020, the year in which there was no suspension of shipments to China, the Asian country’s participation in Brazil’s beef export revenue was of 53.7%. In 2021, until September, before the embargo of that year, the Chinese participation was 57.6%. Between February 2022 and February 2023, China’s share was of 67.1%.

Chart shows Chinese imports in Brazil’s beef export revenue, in millions of dollars, between January 2020 and April 2023, according to MDIC-SECEX.

chinese importance in Brazilian beef
Source: MDIC-SECEX (adapted by Frmnews)

Farmnews also presents the March 2023 soybean export data for Brazil, showing an increase compared to the same period in 2022. Click here and check it out!

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Ivan Formigoni

Animal Scientist, interested in providing useful information about the Brazilian beef cattle business

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