
Beef cattle price in Brazil fell almost 20% in May 2023 versus 2022

Beef cattle price in Brazil accumulated a sharp drop in 2023 and in May the fall was almost 20.0% compared to the same period in 2022.

Cattle price in Brazil fell again in May, after 2 consecutive years of gains as illustrated the first Chart. The drop in the price is due to the greater offer of animals for slaughter in 2023, influenced mainly by the larger quantity of cows due to the lower profitability of the cow-calf activity.

Farmnews presents the official data for beef cattle slaughter in Brazil over the last 10 years, from 2013 to 2022. Click here and check it out!

Chart below presents the average price of heavy beef cattle (Cepea), in dollars per kg live weight, in May, from 2018 to 2023.

beef cattle price in Brazil
Source: Cepea (adapted by Farmnews)

Beef cattle price in Brazil was of US$1.77 per kg of live weight in May 2023, value 18.9% below may 2022 (US$2.18 per kg of live weight).

The beef cattle price of $1.77 per kg live weight in May 2023 was the lowest for the time of year since 2020, when the value was of $1.19 per kg live weight.

Chart shows the average price of heavy beef cattle (Cepea), in dollars per kg live weight from january 2020 to may 2023.

beef cattle price in Brazil
Source: Cepea (adapted by Farmnews)

It is importante to highlight that since the high in April 2022, when the price beef cattle reached US$2.35 per kg live weight, the value has accumulated a 24,9% drop until May 2023. The expectation is that the Brazilian beef cattle market show better prices in the second half of the year, a period in which traditionally the offer of animals for slaughter is lower.

Farmnews updated the revenue, shipments and price data of Brazilian beef for export in April 2023. Click here and check it out!

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Ivan Formigoni

Animal Scientist, interested in providing useful information about the Brazilian beef cattle business

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